How to Make Per Day $100 from Online Job
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Per Day $100 Online Earning |
How can you make $100 or more every single day by freelancing online you know what's going on everyone here coming back at you with a brand new video and before we get into this drop a like down below for my freshly busted ankle which I did today and had to go to the hospital for and also drop a comment down below because that now means I'm gonna have nothing but time to really focus in on some YouTube videos so drop down below any specific requests that you might have topics you want to see talked about questions situations problems you're running into I would be more than happy to check that out and potentially make a video on it I'm gonna go through and read and respond to every single comment so with that being said in this video, I'm actually gonna dive inside of my computer here in a second and show you two different platforms and actually, go through multiple listings on them and show you how to use them because this is something I did for about a four-month period I was making about one hundred and twenty dollars a day and I could have made way more it's just a matter of how much time you want to put in as well as the specific skill you're gonna sell so the first thing I want to explain before this is that if
you don't know what your skill is which I'm trying to be as practical as possible here if you don't know what you want to do if you don't know what you're good at you just know you want to make money that's totally fine your passion is now linked financially which is totally fine in the beginning contrary to what your mom or teachers might tell you so I'm going to show you one specific thing actually you can do just to start selling some entry-level stuff you do want to take into account on these different sites, there's a lot more than just to freelancing sites you do want to take into consideration the competition so the skill I'm going to show you how to do which you can just kind of build skill and be decent at it is building a logo which is great there are people who do it all the time five bucks ten bucks it takes you 20 minutes to make a logo tops I could probably do it in five minutes so there's a lot of competition through a a lot of people are doing that's not what's called a high-level skill it's not a high-income skill so you can't charge a lot for it unless you structure yourself on this website a certain way which I'm going to show you so if you guys have any more questions about this topic specifically please hold your comments on it until the end of the video and with that be said it let's jump inside of my computer alright so inside of here I logged into my very old account on up work which seems to be having some issues and then there's another website a secondary one these are the primary two that are out there and commonly known so that also means people like oh this is just the typical sites if something's well-known that means more people are on it so think about that it's kind of like doing uber versus Buda boo and you're asking
what's Buda boon nobody knows so nobody uses it you know so something like fiber as well as you can see here I just typed in the logo to give you guys an example there are people doing it for $10 $30 $100 what's the difference you know so what I'm going to talk about inside of here is the positioning of your offer so for something like this you can go through and look the biggest thing is gonna be his reviews okay what is their track record their history if you're fresh and starting out you're probably not gonna
be able to charge a couple hundred dollars for more simple service now this
the guy right here is 31 reviews 4.8 stars is very high a lot of this stuff does come down to like okay the client experience the customer experience so he responds very quickly and this goes through and show you know since how long he's been selling for and he's also gonna give you examples of work so you can go through definitely ask him for that as well you know logo they have different questions all of this is what's called a very built profile so when someone lands on this answers all their questions so they don't have to like the message you and the things with platforms like these and just income streams like these is that if I'm looking through for a logo and
someone has a blank profile with no profile picture like I can't put a name to a face and see his history of how well he's done I'm not even gonna bother
messaging them to see what they've done it's a lot of time what I'm gonna do is go hit the back arrow and go back to the next person and see what they can do for me so it's just kind of moving down that list so you want to make sure you have that structure's very similar to a building like an Instagram influencer the page you can't just you know post once and then try and get a shout-out you have no followers you have no profile picture no bio like only the one crappy post you need to actually be a built profile so that's something you have to think about how someone like this as well again name to a face the average response time all this there's multiple different price point options you can go ahead and I believe the limit is three as far as I can recall haven't done this in a few years but you can set multiple different price point packages which is very important if you guys have read the book the paradox of choice by Barry Schwartz, I believe a very good book talking about people's perception on that, there's also one marketer who talked about that having three price points are the best because people are gonna tend to take the middle one you make that position the best offer so it gives them an option but not like thirteen different options where they can't choose again then they'll just go to the next person because it's too confusing and too time-consuming so something like that kind of positioning yourself and making sure that because this is marketing it's like selling a product on Amazon you know they do it it's still inside of the platform so you're not really running too many or if any exterior ads but there's a lot of people coming here organic traffic so when it comes to a website like this or even on up work up works usually known as a little bit more higher-end higher ticket and we'll get to that in a second it's really about your profile in the the history you have on there so you want to make sure you're in good standing as you continuously do it to make sure you're very kind of all the clients the people you talk to I've personally done this and so I know how stupid some people can be how annoying they can be and they leave negative reviews just always be
positive show love on these platforms it's always gonna help you out build up a really good profile over time you're gonna not only get more gigs but then you can charge more and not have your conversion rate really goes down so it's kind of like a Shopify store in that regard but other than that we can go back and these are platforms where there's a ton of different skills that look at this just under graphic and design there's like 20 different ones Digital Marketing Watch look e-commerce marketing I'm sure they have stuff for Shopify under here 850,000 SEO backlinks for five bucks I'm sure he has an automation software for that 15 Shopify marketing e-commerce in my opinion if any of these are actually good they just are doing it themselves but who knows so let's see Neil Patel, I would drive real and active
traffic yeah so he's just buying probably what do you call it I don't
remember what you call it where you buy like 50,000 just visits any website what is it called hot traffic there's some sort of thing there's big a few years ago just like [ __ ] traffic I don't really know but all this different
stuff maybe a store you can just type in Shopify I'm sure stuff comes up people build your website yeah look at that 150 bucks there are all these different skills so if you guys who were trying to get into e-commerce which is what this channel is primarily based around and you need a way to fund that how about you not only build a skill that will help you but also, make money so I don't know why this a person is using this is the homepage
photo because this looks like trash but you know you can literally get paid to
now learn a skill and you're building stories you're getting money to help
them build your store and do the marketing later it's just a win-win-win
win-win situation every way you slice it so something like this 500 bucks again going through and showcasing what you've done run up to 300 products it goes through do they write descriptions let's see you go up there and ask them okay all this different stuff and I'm sure some of these people are great at what they do it's the higher ticket so making sure that everything is set up correctly I think this is probably good a resource that some of you guys are actually gonna use to then go purchase different services I get logos on here you know now I have people that do that for me who are VA s but you know this is still a great place to get anything done that you need to get done now on the On the flip side you have a website like Upwork this is a little bit different this is actually the one part I was outsourcing my online school work to say the least yeah we can let's see if we can actually, see anything inside there I don't want to show too much so I'm having to cut this out let's see yeah so this is a little example this is one right here 310 bucks I ended up paying this the specific person almost two grand you know it was like 90 bucks a week or whatever yeah look at this one right here 1700 Oh classic out outsourced online school but uh you know sites like this are just great to literally, get anything done that you
want to do something like this business management let's literally just type in anything I don't know something that That sounds like a higher ticket okay you can actually, you can get legal tax advice on you look like it's 95 an hour those are legitimate people that dudes old he probably knows what he's doing you can look again very similar to the rating system on there in response time success rate is massive when it comes to the job 100% you get a badge with that okay that means they're consistent and the people
that they're doing stuff for are extremely satisfied so that's huge and look at this these people are charging 42 bucks an hour 95 bucks now that's good money for them so if you sell-on here and make money you definitely can especially once you build up your profile and if you have a little bit of a higher income skill than you can definitely get paid more you can be making $500 a day it really depends like CPAs legitimate certified CPAs who've earned over 10 grand live in New York, you know this is probably their a little side hustle aside from their real job as a CPA or whatever 55 bucks an the hour it's just more money 75 you know all this different stuff obviously go through and look at their previous history so you get big you know good description of everything they do they understand their amount of hours work going through you can see their the history you can talk to them about it ask them questions ask for a referral sources anything where you get a references talk to people whatever just see what they do
so websites like these are very great you can go ahead and actually post a job on there all job postings and if you want to actually become a friend oh my goodness help with school or guy we're gonna jump out of there I post that a lot they don't like it when you post that so this is actually more of a
buyers oriented account you can set up one where you can actually sell on there very simple free to do easily they take a the little cut out of everything obviously their transaction fee than on Fiverr you can go ahead and post a job as well hit become a seller and bing-bang-boom you can get started on that so all of this Aggies bought I don't know 25 million projects completed Wow so you can go ahead pick your skill kind of figure out a couple of different things you can do now for those of you it because I know I mentioned I'll talk about it real quick who don't exactly have a skill literally just start doing anything see what you're good at go through see what some of the best selling gigs are but use a a website called canva to go ahead and make logos so something like this you guys are probably familiar with it we talked about it I still make a lot of my E-commerce ads inside of here very wide variety of what you can do you can let it does anything you can make a marketing proposal plan on here and I'm sure they have templates and layouts for that actually, I know they do so you can probably type and mark me maybe something will come up with that but yeah I don't even know you know all this different stuff you can do this is just on an Instagram or this is a YouTube thumbnail design size so I can't show you guys the home page with all my e-commerce stuff but using stuff like this go post your listing on there for a hundred different tasks just see what people are biting on build up your profile build up your credibility's just another way out of many to start making money online I've done it I've done it successfully if that helped I hope you guys enjoyed the video I know it's a little bit of a different style but people seem to enjoy having options again the paradox of choice by Barry Schwartz options on how to do things how to make money what you want to pay here's another option on a way to make money specifically online and this can help so much building a skill you know like building a Shopify store like I said that's such a good thing you literally, get paid to do this so it really is an amazing site amazing business model, I I know for a fact Fiverr and up worker massive brands massive companies that make a lot of money so with that being said, you guys if you enjoyed this video be sure to drop like down below and let me know what specific Golden Nugget was kind of the most helpful for you if you're considering doing this I know probably not as many of you are actually going to take action on this and do it but if you're strapped for cash you're working
a job or whatever I highly recommend you test this because this is something you can I don't say very easily but you can
start making money on it pretty quickly it's not that difficult it's a great
source of income and something you should test on so with that being said
you guys I hope you do enjoy these videos as always be sure to join the
family johnny game and then I so you can subscribe button and I'll be seeing you tomorrow the next one peace
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