Thursday, May 27, 2021

Dark Matter findings suggest Einstein’s Theory of Relativity “may be wrong”

Dark matter it's the most mysterious substance in the universe little is known about it scientists are pretty sure it exists but still don't know what it is now they have created the largest ever distribution map of dark matter in the universe as our science correspondent Caleb Ghosh reports lookup at the skies and you see stars but this telescope in the deserts of chile can see the universe as it really is filled with a mysterious substance called dark matter it can't be seen but this instrument can detect dark matter by the way, it distorts starlight this is a map of matter in the universe and that's allowed astronomers to produce this map of how it's spread across the expanse of space it's an element of you know unveiling mystery something you you couldn't see before and suddenly it's there and you think wow so what is dark matter and where is it in space well let's start with our own sun it's one of a hundred billion stars that make up our galaxy the milky way which in turn is one of countless others throughout the universe dark matter permeates space with galaxies like tiny gems on a tangled cosmic web the bright areas are where dark matter is most concentrated and it's here that galaxies form but the map is not what astronomers expected the the matter should be slightly more clumped together instead, it's smoother than predicted b einstein's theory of general relativity which helps determine how the matter should have spread out after the big bang if the structures in this map are smoother than we expect them to be which is what the results seem to hint at it means that einstein's theory 's wrong so you might think that that's a bad thing that maybe or no physics is broken but for physicists are extremely exciting because it means that we can find out something new about the way the universe really is building on the work of einstein Carlos frank was among a group of scientists that developed the current model of cosmology hearing now that there may be something not quite right with the theory well it's very disconcerting it's very alarming and in a way frightening to see that maybe my whole life's work might crumble in front of me but at the same time it is immensely exciting astronomers believe that we are at the start of a new revolution in cosmology that will give us a fuller understanding of how the universe began and how it will evolve palab gauche.


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